Microsoft Excel is a mission-critical piece of software for small business, but creating basic charts that convey your data the way you want isn’t always easy. And given how busy most small business owners are, chances are you don’t have a lot of time to get the exact look you want. Fortunately, Helen Bradley knows a ton of quick and easy-to-use features that will not only make your charts look better, they’ll make it easier for your employees, customers and vendors to read the information. Follow her step-by-step guide and you’ll have top-notch charts in no time. has the Excel-charting details.
While creating a chart in Excel is straightforward, getting that chart to look exactly as you want it to is sometimes anything but. Buried in Excel 2007 are some handy features that can turn a regular looking chart into something much easier to read and understand. In this article, we’ll show you seven chart format techniques worthy of adding to your Excel toolkit.
Read the complete Exploring Office 2007: Seven Essential Excel 2007 Chart Options article
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