Open Source to Go: 50 Portable Apps

Many small businesses enjoy the benefits of replacing traditional, name-brand software applications with open source software – namely, they save money. But what happens when you or your employees travel and end up using computers that don’t have those open source applications already installed?

Happily, you can use portable versions of popular open source software. Our sister site, Datamation, has compiled a list of 50 portable open source apps that you can take with you anywhere, use on any system, and walk away without leaving a trace of your presence on that computer. Pretty nifty.

If you travel frequently, it can be frustrating to have to use a system that doesn’t have your favorite open source software already installed. Fortunately, many of the most popular open source applications come in portable versions that you can take with you on a USB thumb drive or other portable media.

Read the complete article: Top 50 Portable Open Source Apps

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