Zoho Launching Small Business Online Accounting App

Smallbiztechnology.com: Zoho Launching Small Business Online Accounting App

The new addition to Zoho’s online applications suite will compete with other online accounting offerings including Quickbooks, Outright.com and Wave Accounting. It will be free for a small number of users.

“Zoho is one of the quiet brands for small businesses. It’s got almost 30 applications for small businesses – from CRM, word processes, presentation and so much more. One thing it does not have is an accounting solution…until next week.

At that time you can expect to see Zoho come out with an accounting solution competing head on (more or less) with Quickbooks, Outright.com, Peachtree, Indinero, Wave Accounting and other small business accounting solutions.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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