Switchfast Blog: Small Biz E-commerce – Ten Tips For Better Sites
Some of these go almost without saying, such as making check-out easy and providing lots of product detail. Others are less obvious, such as ensuring site security and selling your company’s core values along with the products.
“It’s not surprising that modern consumers are opting to purchase goods and services on the internet. Consumers can shop from the comfort of their home, compare prices, and forgo the dread of dealing with pesky salesmen. With sales in ecommerce expected to reach $173 billion in 2010, it’s important for small business, who want a slice of that pie, to have an effective ecommerce site.
For small businesses, making a good product or service is not enough to be effective in the online marketplace. Since the internet is full of scammer and phony banner ads, consumers have become increasingly uncertain about the companies they do business with online. To have a site that sells, there are a few things to take into account. When purchasing online, users want a site that’s easy to navigate, is secure, and makes the checkout process a breeze. Here are 10 tips to help you on your ecommerce venture…”