Small Business Trends: SEO Best Practices For SMBs
The most common SEO mistakes Lisa Barone spotlights include using duplicate title tags, not having enough content and not including keywords in URLs. (You’ll have to read the article to find out what all of that means.)
“I’m not an SEO expert. Lucky for me, my partners in crime over at Outspoken Media are. But even though I’m not an expert, that doesn’t mean I’m not careful to pay close attention to SEO best practices when creating and publishing content. Paying mind to search engine optimization ensures that I’m giving the search engines all the clues they need to determine what my content is about, while also giving customers what they need to know, as well. And if someone as non-technical as I can do it, then you savvy SMB owners can do it too.
Below you’ll find 6 common SMB SEO mistakes and how to very easily fix them.”