You can always count on a frenzy to accompany the release of an iPhone — or just about anything from Apple. But beyond that techno-hysteria lay greater and more serious questions about security and whether or not the new iPhone 5 will address issues faced by IT departments in companies both large and small. Robert McGarvey over at eSecurityPlanet gives a rundown of the latest predictions on the iPhone 5’s features and mobile security.
Mark your calendar. Amid analyst predictions of unprecedented demand for the newest version of Apple’s iPhone, Cupertino tea-leaf readers now believe October 4 is the release date — with the device possibly made available on CDMA-based Sprint.
But the day of release is not the only focus of speculation. The fan boy community is also rife with guesses about what new features will be built into the phone, with some attention to new security wrinkles.
Read the complete article: Securing the iPhone 5: What Will It Deliver?
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