Review: Peplink 380 Multi-WAN Router

ITBusinessEdge: Review – Peplink 380 Multi-WAN Router

Using multiple Internet service providers can deliver better speed and reliability of service, but you need a multi-WAN (wide area network) router such as the Peplink model Paul Mah reviews here.

“I first covered the topic of load-balancing your SMB’s Internet access for greater speed and reliability earlier this year. As I mentioned then, businesses can get much higher reliability at a competitive (or similar) price by using two different Internet service providers connected via a multi-WAN router. In most cases, this also translates into greater bandwidth by combining the traffic from multiple links – potentially obtaining a higher speed than is possible with a single connection.

Well, I’ve had the opportunity to deploy and test the Peplink Balance380 Multi-WAN router since then. With three WAN ports, the company says it is suitable for businesses with between 100 to 500 users. You can see details of it on the Peplink Balance product page here, which also show the other products from the Balance family.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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