Review: Netgear N600 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router

PCWorld: Review – Netgear N600 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router

The Netgear N600 router worked well, without any problems and was particularly good at media serving, but does take a little bit of setting up, the reviewer says. No pricing available yet.

“Netgear’s 4-port gigabit, simultaneous dual-band WNDR3700 Wi-Fi router proved a joy to use. It was stable and glitch-free, with easy media serving. However, bliss only commenced after setup and configuration.

The WNDR3700 offers none of the hand-holding that the Cisco Linksys E4200 provides. You must browse to to access Netgear’s HTML setup pages to configure the unit. That’s fine by me; I don’t believe in steering users away from learning what they need to know about their router with misleadingly simple setup routines. My gripes–minor ones to be sure–lie elsewhere.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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