Review: Microsoft Live Mesh File Synchronization

PCWorld: Review – Microsoft Live Mesh File Synchronization

Macworld’s Glenn Fleishman says Microsoft’s Live Mesh file synchronization service works well and can be used with the free SkyDrive online storage service, but there is no option for additional paid storage beyond the free 5GB.

“Microsoft has a proclivity for giving products names that provide little clue as to what they do and who they’re for. Windows Live Mesh 2011 is just the latest example–which is too bad, because this one is actually worth some attention, despite its awkward name.

Live Mesh is an online storage service, but it doesn’t work the same way that competitors like Dropbox or do. The name provides a bit of a hint: A mesh network is one in which each peer can exchange data with any other, without some central system serving as the conduit. Microsoft would probably like to avoid the term “peer to peer” in describing Live Mesh, because of that phrase’s unfortunate connotations–but that’s what Live Mesh really is.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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