Wired: Livescribe Echo Digital Pen – Slimmer, More Powerful
Priced at $170 and $200 the Echo pens offer 4 or 8 GB of data storage. Livescribe has added several improvements to its first-generation products, including support for PDF format.
“Livescribe’s Pulse smart pen that can automatically digitize written notes is a big hit among students and business professionals who want to move away from paper. Now the company has introduced a slimmer version of the its pen called Echo that offers more storage and improved features including support for PDF files.
The Echo pen has double the capacity of the Pulse and is available in 4 GB and 8 GB models that record 400 and 800 hours of data respectively. The 4 GB version will cost $170 and the 8 GB version is priced at $200. The 2 GB Pulse pen will cost $130, down from $200 when it was first introduced.”