Intuit Giving Away Free Mobile Credit Card Readers
To take advantage of the deal – free mobile card reader and no monthly fee on low volume of transactions – small businesses have to sign up before mid-February. If you ever need to process credit card transaction away from the office or store, now is the time to act.
“I love the word free, and I’m sure you do too. Intuit’s offer businesses a free credit card reader, if they sign up before mid-February – consider it a Valentine’s day gift.
Intuit’s press release reads: ‘By offering a free card reader and no monthly service fees, we want to give more small businesses a head start in the New Year by enabling them to take mobile payments without any upfront investment,’ said Chris Hylen, general manager of Intuit’s Payment Solutions division. ‘And this is just the beginning. We’ll introduce new ways all year long to help more small businesses get paid quickly and inexpensively using their favorite mobile devices.'”