IE6: The Browser That Wouldn’t Die

ITBusinessEdge: IE6 – The Browser That Wouldn’t Die

New Web traffic data shows that companies are the ones still using IE6. The explanation is that they have home-baked Web apps that only work in the no-longer-supported browser. If you’re one, maybe it’s time to bite the bullet – before IE6 bites you.

“Despite repeated calls to stop using Internet Explorer 6, the browser continues to hold a market share similar to, or even higher than, more advanced browsers such as Safari and Chrome.

Chitika, a search-based online advertising network, conducted a new study that tracked the hour-by-hour market shares of the leading browsers. And you guessed it: IE6 was ranked the fourth-most-used browser (13 percent) during peak business hours of the day. Use of IE6 drops to “less than 6 percent” after business hours.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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