Faster, Safer Web Browsing with Third Party DNS

You may not know what a DNS server is, and frankly you probably don’t care all that much; show of hands, anyone? But if you’re Internet connection drags and it takes more time than you or your employees like to spend waiting for Web sites to load, a third party DNS server can fix that. That alone could be worth your time and attention, but wait, there’s more. has the details on how a third party DNS sever, which by the way is usually free, can improve your Internet speed, security and a whole lot more.

When you type a web site address into a browser, it must first look up the IP address of the site via a Domain Name System (DNS) server before the Web server is located and the Web pages displayed on your screen. Of course, the DNS process usually happens very quickly and isn’t noticed when surfing around the Web.

DNS is needed because computer networks are designed to talk using their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. These are four sets of numbers separated by decimal points, such as These aren’t very human friendly.

To better picture DNS, think of your browser having to always use a phone book: You give DNS a name and it must look up the number so you’re your browser can call it.

Read the complete Set Up Third Party DNS for Faster and More Secure Surfing article

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