Your iPhone is the perfect communications gadget – it’s great for keeping you informed about news, weather, sports, tech, business and everything else. Here are the 50 best iPhone apps for staying informed.
1) ABC News (free): Video reports from the nightly newscast.
2) EZ-News ($.99): Nine news sites formatted for the iPhone.
3) iNews ($3.99): Read articles from many sources with this one app.4) NYTimes (Free): Up-to-the-minute content from the paper of record.
5) Tap News ($.99): Access nine news sites from one app.
6) Television ($2.99): Watch 85 shows from 45 channels.
7) USA Today (free): The days news from the national paper.
8) Wall Street Journal (Free): The WSJ’s content is free on the iPhone.
9) World Newspapers ($2.99): A directory to 4,000 newspapers with online editions.
10) Yahoo! (free): The latest updates from Yahoo News.
11) asap—High Tech ($.99): News reader with predefined high-tech feeds.
12) Diggnation on the Go (free): Watch the Diggnation podcast anytime.
13) Gadget Junkie ($1.99): The latest tech and toys; lets you save your favorite articles.
14) iNewz Tech ($2.99): Tech news reports with an offline mode.
15) Shovel (free): All the top stories from, with comments.
16) SourceForge Network News (free): The latest news from and other SourceForge Network sites.
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