Data security is serious business, but the good news is it that protecting your company’s data doesn’t have to blow your budget — or even touch it. Mindful of how scarce funds can be at year’s end, we put together a list of six ways to secure your data — and 13 free security tools to help you do it. Our sister site has the full story. Go check it out and ring in a much safer New Year.
Each year, consumers and businesses spend a considerable amount on security-oriented software and/or services. As January approaches, and with it the end of the fiscal year (not to mention lowered bank balances and exhausted budgets due in part to a spate of December gift-giving), it’s easy to find oneself or one’s business a bit short on funds. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to spend money for top-notch security software. If you resolve to stay secure in the New Year, here are a half-dozen no-cost ways to do it.
Read the complete article: 6 Free Ways to Stay Secure in the New Year
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